Sunday, July 15, 2007

Revenge of the Ants!

Well, I am sorry to say that those ant poison bait traps from Raid don't appear to do anything except FEED the ants! At least not in my house. There are more of them than ever! So, tomorrow I break out the Raid poison spray and attack the kitchen. :-(

On another note, while sick and bored out of my mind I've had little to do except read and play on the internet. As a result I have now reread six Georgette Heyer novels, discovered a couple new blogs to read, played around at and generally spent too much time not exercising. The treadmill is calling to me, and I hate exercise. Ah well. Now if only I could breathe...

I shall watch an episode of Stargate, Star Trek or Medium to console me now. Tah!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Meme-y Goodness

I've been tagged by Elisa over at The Book Stacks to do the "7 Random Things About Yourself."

Things I'd Like to Do Before I Die

1 - Go into space. That has always been my dream. I really believe that we will colonize other planets one day.
2 - Become a famous author of scifi/fantasy books.
3 - Climb the Great Pyramid of Giza.
4 - Drive a race car on a NASCAR track.
5 - Have David Hewlett, Michael Shanks, Kavan Smith, Kate Hewlett, Heath Ledger and John Wayne act in something I wrote. And yes, I know John Wayne is dead. This is a WISH list after all.
6 - Live abroad in England, Italy and Spain for extended periods of time.
7 - Give of myself to the world and leave behind a legacy that will make life better for those who come after me.

I Tag: Everyone who reads this…’cause I don’t really like chain letters, so I’m not going to require anyone to do this. But if you want to, be sure to leave comment with a link so I can read yours. I will also forward the meme onto the other blogs I read along with the instructions that they can ignore it if they wish.

The rules:
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, letting them know they have been tagged and to read the blog.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Anti-Ant Success???

Well, there seem to be fewer ants today.

The remaining ones have spread over even more of the kitchen, though. I'm going to wait a couple more days, but if the ants aren't all dead by then I will have to resort to spray poison.

Leave a comment and wish me luck please!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Ants Strike Back!!!

There are more of the darn things than ever...

That poison better work soon.

Keep you posted.

ants, Ants, ANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are ants everywhere!!!!!

I managed to kill them off in the bathroom with ease, but it's three days later and now they're all over the kitchen. They're crossing the floor in multiple lines! They're in the sink! They're up the side of the fridge! They're even in the oven!

And... I'm phobic of ants...

Seriously, one got in my eye once and I was blind for over a day in that eye. It's the worst pain I ever felt, and that includes the pain of my rotten gallblader when it went haywire and I had to have it out. Spiders don't bother me at all, but ants are my nemesis!

Anyway, I am trying to get rid of the ants without going near them.

Worse, I can't use normal poison because my cats might get sick. So far I have tried spraying them with Windex. If you use enough, it does kill them. But it doesn't hurt the new ants that soon appear.

So now I am trying something new. I have just put out two packages of Raid Double Control ant Baits. I'll let you know how it turns out. All I know is, it better work fast!!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Plans for the Day

Well, it's Sunday and that means I have a sink fulll of dishes that need cleaned, a backlog of dirty clothes to wash... and I have to put it all on hold to get ready to perform.

That right, today is the day that Betty's Band plays for the City of Lathrop's Birthday Bash in the Park. Frankly, I'm not in the mood, but such is life. It's really got more to do with the fact that it will be hot, and my allergies are already killing me. Besides, I'm bot a fan of singing outside. The acoustics are bad and it's hard to hear the monitors.

Well, before I can even do the park thing, I have to go next door to my parents' house to shower. Yes, you heard that right. I am showering at someone else's house because I have to replace my entire bathtub!

The stupid thing is cracked and leaking because it's a million year old cheap piece of plastic. Worse,I don't have the money to replace it at this moment thanks to the fact that I have to take four online classes this summer at $500 a pop to get my CLAD credential. Ah, the joys of lame teaching requirements.

More later, so stay tuned...